HemHay Creations

HemHay Creations
Fashions and Designers

Thursday, January 28, 2016

FIVE reasons you must keep your relationships off social media

Social media is a gift and a curse. Anyhow you look at it, you cannot deny that social media has far-reaching benefits for corporate and individual brands just as it has its problems, particularly in the way it affects personal relationships between partners. 
File photo of couple in love
In aspects of information and spreading them with ease and within the quickest time possible, social media has to be one of the strongest tools out in the world today.
But more often,
people make a mistake in aspects of what should go out on these social platforms as they go about spilling details of what should be a private affair between them and their partners. The result of this is often a break up in the relationships or equally similar issues that could have been better handled or avoided altogether if they remained as private as they ought to be.
Many individuals are lost today because they don’t know when to keep quiet or keep their private affairs off public glare. But they will be fine in the end. They will be fine because they will get everything they are looking for when they get bitten by the fangs of social media.
A lot of people will never agree that their affairs ought to be kept out of the public, and so this is bound to generate a bit of debate here and there.
But while you deliberate on whether to keep yours private or in full glare of the public, below are five reasons why social media could be harmful to your relationships today:
1. It Is Your Private Life – Hence, you need to keep it exactly as private as it should be. You see, people have a natural tendency to jump to conclusions especially in matters that concern two lovers, and the more you put out pictures, videos and innuendoes, the more likely you help deduce the actual status of the affair. And bear in mind that things will not always be rosy in the affair, so it is more advisable to keep things under wraps.
2. Two Is Just Right – An ideal relationship is made for two persons and nothing more. Anything more than that makes it more of a public affair than it is private. And you really do not want the dramas that come with the fame, because, trust me it is not something anyone can deal with when the heat goes up.
3. Jealousy Can Ruin Everything – Putting your personal life and relationships out there gives everyone the power to access and assess the relationship, a situation which is bound to breed envy and jealousy from outsiders, especially admirers. You sure don’t want this happening to your relationship.
4. You Don’t Know What Tomorrow Holds – A split up is not always pre-planned. Something and anything can lead to a break up and the fact that the entire world already knows you and your partner are in a relationship makes it messier going separate ways. Hence, it is advised that people keep their relationships off the internet.
5. Publicity Is Bad For Love And Relationships – As unusual as this sounds, the media is actually like poison for many a healthy relationship today. This is the reason many prefer their private stuff well tucked away from the media. If in doubt, check your favourite celebrities today and see how far the media has affected their love affairs.
Publicity is amazing for showbusiness but terribly bad for our private lives.
In this light, it is also imperative to keep ones romantic affairs off the view of everyone on social media. Some things are meant to not be observed and seen by all, intimate relationships are one of these things.

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