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HemHay Creations
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Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Shocking Murder: Couple Shot Dead in Bed Next to Their Newborn Baby Girl

A mother and father have been brutally shot dead while sleeping next to their newborn baby in a very sad murder incident.

In what has been described as horrific murder, a suburban New Orleans mother and father were shot dead in their bed while sleeping next to their newborn baby, according to police.
The couple identified as Dawn Scott, 28, and her boyfriend Raynell Kimbrough, 31, were found in their home Monday morning after being shot multiple times, with family left guessing at what could have led to their violent deaths.
One of Scott’s older children, 10, discovered the couple and rushed to a neighbor’s house, according to The Advocate.
However, the killer left the 10-year-old and 2-year-old brother unharmed along with Rayne Kimbrough, who was born last month but is now orphaned after being left alive six inches from her mother.
The children have been taken away from the scene by state authorities, though relatives say they will petition for custody on Tuesday.
“DCFS makes every effort to place a child with a relative. However, before doing so, DCFS must assess each of the individuals offering to care for the child/children,” a Department of Children and Family Services spokeswoman told The Times-Picayune.
Other family members and police said they did not yet know of any motives for the killings, and police said there were no signs of forced entry.
“My brother was a loving person. He may have had his ups, and he may have had his downs, but he never would do nobody what they did him,” Kimbrough’s sister Shaketha said.

“And for them to literally put his girlfriend in the middle of this — a mother of three — I mean why?”

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