HemHay Creations

HemHay Creations
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Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Three female bullies in bikinis attacked sunbathing victim in filmed assault

THIS is the shocking moment three bullies were filmed repeatedly punching and kicking a sunbather they used to taunt at school.

The three girls pinned their victim to the floor
Three woman were arrested after the horrific attack which left the 20-year-old victim with blood pouring from her face and a broken nose.
Police said the footage is now evidence in an assault investigation.
According to the police report, the young victim had been sunbathing with a co-worker on the banks of the Saluda River in South Carolina.

The group of girls spotted them enjoying the sun and approached the duo, pulling their victim's hair before throwing her to the ground.
The victim holding her hands to her face
She was pinned to the floor and savagely hit and scratched.
Meanwhile, around 30 unknown men looked on and videoed the attack.
One woman in the crowd tried to stop the fight and pull the girls apart, but a by-stander reportedly told her and others not to interfere.
The victim - who does not want to be named - claimed she knew the three women as they used to bully her when they attended the same high school.
The bullies in bikinis holding her to the ground
Ramy Williams, a friend of the victim, said: “One’s kicking her, and she’s completely helpless. It’s just really hard to watch.
“The other one was just wailing on her face, wailing on her head, you know, on the back of her head. It definitely could have killed her.”
It’s unclear how the vicious attack started.
Williams added: “Seeing the aftermath was just insane: the way that she had blood all over her face, two black eyes, you can tell that she’s completely messed up in the face.”
The three grls have been arrested
The three grls have been arrested, although they have now been released
The victim is now recovering at home, but says she now fears for her safety after the bullies were released from custody.
She said: “They paid their bond and they are out roaming the streets as we speak.”
Police spokeswoman Jennifer Timmons said: “Possible additional charges are being evaluated. We have consulted with the 5th Circuit Solicitor regarding the case.”

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